Some foods can be taken for granted! There are countries that have varying rules and regulations that disallow certain types of food from being purchased within their country. Some food items are treats with gimmicky stuffing’s; others are delicacies and some are even staples in other regions. Here’s a list of some foods that are not available everywhere!
Kinder Eggs
This tasty chocolate treat has a hidden toy inside to surprise the lucky consumer. This egg has been banned in some countries due to a choking hazard. Countries like America also have banned the eggs because they contain “non-food” objects inside.
Casu Marzu
Casu Marzu is a type of cheese. It has been banned from many countries because of the way it is produced. Making this cheese requires the use of live maggots to “enhance” the flavor!
Yogurt is a great food source that can be added to many recipes or even as a side dish and is a staple for many people in the countries it is allowed. However, due to some of the hormones used when making yogurt, some countries are unable to produce it at all.
Shark Fins
Shark fins are a chinese delicacy. The chinese often boil shark fin in hot broths and make a soup. However, you will be hard pressed to find shark fins on the menu in restaurants in any other country.
Ortolan is a french dish that is sacred to many in France and other western European countries. The dish is made with Ortolan birds that are an officially endangered species. That’s why the dish has been banned in many countries who care for protecting them.
Fish, including halibut is a key lean meat in America, but in some northern countries along the Arctic Sea barriers, this fish is banned in fear of stock levels. In Iceland, some fisherman have even been jsent to jail for selling this fish!
Ackee Fruit
Ackee is a flavorful fruit that has brought inspiration to many bohemian dishes. However, if the fruit is consumed before it is properly ripe, it can turn deadly and that’s the reason many countries have banned the fruit in order to protect consumers from the possibility of unripen fruit.
Absinthe is a powerful beverage that has been known to cause psychoactive hallucination states. This drink is banned in several countries: it was even banned in the United States until recently, and even now it is highly regulated.
Stuffing sheeps organs into an animals stomach is what it takes to create the dish called Haggis. For religious reasons, many countries disallow the production of this dish. Other countries just do not have the supply or the environment to be able to offer it.
Fugu is another word for puffer fish. Many countries do not condone the eating of puffer fish because if it is not prepared properly, the fish can expand after eaten and cause asphyxiation. In some countries, in order to even handle the fish, one needs a special license.
Foie Gras
Foie Gras is a delicious dish that is not available in many countries. Foie Gras is a cooked goose liver. Often, the geese are inhumanely kept when preparing for slaughter to make the dish. Slaughter houses tube feed the geese to enlarge their liver to unnatural proportion.
Kobe Beef
Kobe beef is nearly melt in your mouth. The meat is considered a luxury in Asian countries and very hard to come by outside of Asia and some American territories. Kobe is a very expensive meat but it is delicious in all aspects.
Horse Sashimi
Horse sashimi is a dish that is sacred in Asian countries. Horse meat manufacture is often illegal in other countries so one could be hard pressed to locate this dish.
Raw Milk
Raw milk is in the kitchens of millions of people in Asia and Europe, but unfortunately, this unpasteurized treat is not available in other continents because it is sometimes known to carry dangerous bacteria. Raw milk is banned in America, Canada, Australia and Scotland.
Sassafras Tea
The sassafras tree is known to be the root of injury healing. It can heal wounds quickly and efficiently and makes for a great salad base. However, the oil from the tree is not always safe. The plant, known for its tea, has been banned in food processing all over the world.