knowledge – Fri, 09 Aug 2024 02:42:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 knowledge – 32 32 Prevention and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Fri, 09 Aug 2024 02:22:24 +0000 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) commonly occurs in people with type 2 diabetes (T2D). In fact, about half of people with T2D have kidney problems at some point during their lives.1

Prevention is the best method to manage CKD. This includes regular checkups and treatments to slow its progression. Here are a few ways CKD can be prevented or treated in people with T2D.

Blood sugar control

One of the best ways to prevent CKD is to control blood sugar levels. This is because diabetes can damage the kidneys’ small blood vessels over time.1

Your doctor will give you an A1C target that is suitable for you. For most people, an A1C of less than 7 percent is optimal to protect the kidneys.1

Keeping blood pressure low

Another way to slow or prevent CKD is by reducing blood pressure. This may involve the use of antihypertensive drugs and/or lifestyle changes, such as lowering salt intake. For most people with T2D, a target blood pressure of less than 130/80 mmHg is optimal to protect the kidneys.1

Medicines that protect the kidneys

There are 2 well-known classes of prescription drugs commonly used in people with T2D for their kidney-protective effects. These drugs also reduce blood pressure. These drugs include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB).

Studies have shown that CKD can be slowed by using these drugs, independent of their effect on lowering blood pressure. This is why you may be prescribed one of these medicines but may not necessarily have high blood pressure.1

Stopping the use of medicines harmful to kidneys

Some drugs can be harmful to the kidney. These drugs are commonly referred to as nephrotoxic drugs. You should not take these drugs if you are managing or attempting to prevent CKD. Examples of these drugs include:2

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve)
  • Some strong antibiotics
  • Some immunomodulators, or drugs that treat autoimmune conditions
  • Select herbal products

The above is not a complete list. Speak with your doctor and pharmacist before you start a new medicine, especially if it is an over-the-counter (non-prescription) drug.

Reducing doses of current drugs

Some medicines are harmful to the kidneys only in certain doses. Depending on your kidney function, your doctor may reduce the dose of some of your T2D drugs.2

Health-promoting lifestyle habits

Your doctor may also recommend some lifestyle changes to prevent the incidence of CKD. These can include:2

  • Not smoking – Nicotine smoking can increase the risk of developing CKD and may increase the rate of progression of CKD.
  • Restricting protein intake – Reducing protein intake could help slow the progression of CKD. Your doctor may suggest that you work with a dietitian to assess your current and ideal protein needs.

Preventing chronic kidney disease requires a multifaceted approach that involves lifestyle and prescription drug interventions.

Have you incorporated some of these interventions in your own health journey? Share your experiences below!

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What happens to your body when you eat bananas every day? Fri, 09 Aug 2024 02:18:17 +0000

From migraine to happiness – how does the fruit, which is one of the five most popular in the world, affect the body

The incredible popularity of bananas has provided them with a solid habitat (it is grown in 107 countries) and commercial value. It is the fourth best-selling fruit on the planet. It would be wise to learn a little more about its composition and nutritional properties. And decide – is it worth eating bananas every day?


Potassium is one of the most important nutrients that is used to generate electrical charge within cells for proper functioning. It triggers the release of insulin to control blood sugar and maintain optimal blood pressure.

Studies have shown that a high potassium intake of up to 20% reduces the risk of death from most diseases! Adults are recommended to consume 3500-4700 mg of this important nutrient per day, depending on lifestyle and other factors. The average banana contains about 450 mg, which is already solid. It turns out that to satisfy this norm from one source, you will need to eat about 7 or 8 bananas. But remember that excess potassium can be dangerous for people with kidney problems.


For decades, athletes and their mentors have believed that eating carbohydrates during long-term physical activity helps you train longer and at higher intensity, and recover faster. Carbohydrates nourish the muscles, reducing physiological stress and causing less inflammation. The most digestible and tolerable form of carbohydrates is sugar (whether glucose, fructose, or sucrose) provided by sports drinks. 

But in 2012, researchers at Appalachian State University in Kannapolis started looking at fruit as a healthier alternative to sports drinks during exercise. Scientists have found that professional cyclists feel better during strenuous riding and immediately after if they eat half a standard banana every 30 minutes. (However, at the same time they led to bloating.)


Yes, this yellow fruit also has the ability to influence our sense of happiness. Bananas are an excellent source of the amino acid tryptophan, which the body converts to serotonin (a mood-enhancing neurotransmitter).


A common misconception is that sodium alone is responsible for lowering blood pressure. It is actually a delicate balance of sodium and potassium. It is estimated that less than 2% of all adults meet the recommended daily allowance of potassium, which means that the majority do not monitor pressure and do not maintain a critical balance.


Increasing potassium while reducing sodium is probably the most important prevention of cardiovascular disease.

One study found that people who take in at least 4,069 mg of potassium per day have a 49% lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease than those who consume less than 1,000 mg. By the way, avocados have a similar effect.


Doctors still recommend a diet of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast for people with indigestion.

Bananas are not only relatively tasteless and easy to digest, but they also replace vital electrolytes in the body since most of them are lost during the gastrointestinal upset. The fiber content of bananas also contributes to a balanced bowel.


It is believed that bananas can trigger migraines in people who are susceptible to headaches. In this case, it is worth sticking to the norm of half a banana daily.

Finally, some people have banana allergy symptoms such as itching, swelling, hives, or wheezing. In addition, it is worth considering that many other foods offer even higher levels of potassium than bananas (for example, tomatoes, watermelon, spinach, beets, black and white beans, salmon, pumpkin, and yogurt), but are much lower in calories.

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Here’s Your August Horoscope Wed, 07 Aug 2024 02:12:04 +0000 This August will be a rollercoaster ride. A spirited new moon in Leo on Aug. 4 sets a fun-loving tone to the month. Full of passion, ambition, and vitality, you are approaching life with the courage to put yourself first.

Your authenticity will open unexpected windows of opportunity; kindness and generosity go a long way. Be helpful and proactive as Venus sweeps through selfless Virgo in the early hours of Aug. 5.

That same day, humbled by your inner critic, you battle your imperfections when Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo. Be gentle with yourself as you address your mistakes. Once Mercury retreats into regal Leo on Aug. 14, you might realize that people do not see you as you see yourself. Release your unhealthy expectations.

Intense interactions coincide with the full moon in Aquarius on Aug. 19. A loss of confidence will limit your problem-solving abilities. Don’t panic when shocking turns of events stir up drama. Down-to-earth Virgo season arrives on Aug. 22, encouraging patience to cool the wild aftermath of unexpected endings.

Gather your wits on Aug. 28. Mercury moves forward again in Leo, lending you the courage to express yourself clearly and directly. A day later, on Aug. 29, Venus enters romantic Libra — a position of strength for the planet of love and connection.

Mediation is on your mind, and you’ll have no trouble taking the lead to bring people together again. Flaunt your charisma and charm, and don’t be too proud to apologize.

Happy birthday, Virgo!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Embrace a fresh start in your love life but don’t let dating occupy too much of your time. Fulfilling your work responsibilities should be your main focus this month. But quality is better than speed, Aries. Breezing through tasks without precision could lead to careless mistakes that cost you time.

You’ll want to avoid drama under the Aquarius full moon, which arrives on Aug. 19. A difference of opinion will incite tensions in your community and solutions won’t be immediately obvious. Luckily, Venus enters Libra on Aug. 29 to help you repair your friendships.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The new moon in Leo initiates change and action in your home life on Aug. 4. Supporting a family member or hosting an extravagant dinner party will keep you occupied at the start of the month. Try not to worry during the planning or clean-up process. Spending time with loved ones should be fun, not stressful.

Reconsider whether you are getting the same enjoyment from your hobbies. New priorities at work or an unexpected crush on a coworker could revive your stale routine.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Popular and expressive, you continue to make people laugh with your natural charm. Approach everyone with warmth and friendliness, and leave a good and lasting impression in every environment.

You’ll be thankful you did when misunderstandings emerge. As a result, people will see your good intentions and may not blame you too harshly.

Home improvements could become increasingly stressful as the month progresses. Hit pause and resume your projects during neat and efficient Virgo season, beginning on Aug. 22.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Miscommunication presents challenges in August. Make sure you are certain of other’s instructions and avoid making assumptions.

A flashy purchase could fill you with temporary satisfaction — and long-term regret. Don’t spend money to impress people.

You may not know who to turn to when your emotional storms develop, especially if you’re wrapped up in disagreements with your friends. Don’t panic! As the month ends, you’ll find comfort and reassurance through your family.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You’re always the main character, Leo, but that’s especially true this August. Make your presence known and take pride in your appearance. Flamboyant wardrobe upgrades make you unforgettable. But beware: Standing out for the wrong reasons will force you to reconsider your styling and behavior.

Your expenses will become a greater concern. Order and discipline are needed to ensure you don’t blow your budget before the summer ends.

As you tend to the other priorities in your life, don’t miss the signs that you and your significant other are out of sync.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This month, you are pondering on what makes you feel alive. Self-reflection will remind you that you are more powerful than you realize. Be brave and doors will open for you. Consider how you could improve in certain areas, but don’t pick apart your flaws in the process. Nobody’s perfect, but everyone has their strengths — find yours.

Let the wisdom gained during this period of reflection inspire you to reinvent yourself. The end of the month is the perfect time to do so, as the sun emerges in your zodiac sign on Aug. 22. Strive for harmony in your life and live by your values.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your charisma and confidence are attracting attention, and sparkling opportunities are coming your way. Demonstrate that you are trustworthy and people will push you toward leadership roles. Try to avoid overthinking hypothetical problems; don’t let what wrong in the past cause you to live in fear of the future.

A pivotal moment in your love life or career may not go as expected. Virgo season arrives on Aug. 22; use the end of the month as an opportunity to heal, reflect, and restore your strength.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Bold, dignified, and courageous, you are stepping out into the world as the best version of yourself in early August. Don’t attempt to put on a show; be real and you will attract positive attention.

Pesky Mercury retrograde on Aug. 5 forces you to reconsider certain dreams that haven’t manifested. This will be especially true for your career goals in the days leading up to Aug. 14, when Mercury retreats into Leo.

Pay attention to the friends who have your back during this chapter. Drama surfaces close to home as the month winds down. Mediate and repair your relationships with care.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

August brings you new visions and ambitions. Follow your instincts to travel, learn, and explore. Hype up a crowd with a motivational pep talk or philosophical speech. Share your passions and inspiration wherever you go. People are relying on your direction.

But don’t let a difficult chapter knock your confidence. You are worthy, even if you don’t have all the answers. The end of Mercury retrograde, on Aug. 28, will restore your self-assurance.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You will express your love in August, Capricorn, by sharing words of wisdom. Demonstrate your empathy, support, and patience. However, beware of inserting your opinion when you don’t have enough information.

On Aug. 5, Mercury retrograde forces you to revisit a past judgment call. Keep a close eye on your spendings and savings. You may be surprised by how quickly little purchases have added up.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Celebrate love, Aquarius. Quality time with your favorite people will invigorate you with passion and enthusiasm. Strengthen your bond by tending to their needs. Other people’s problems are often easier to navigate than your own. But consider this: Are you avoiding the mess in your own life by fixing other people’s?

By mid-August, you reflect how much loyalty and commitment your relationships have. Do you feel seen and appreciated? Express your evolving values and desires. Don’t leave people guessing.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Liven up your rituals and routines. Working hard doesn’t have to be boring. A sweet treat in the morning or rollerskating during your free time will bring color and vitality to your gray days.

Your desire to help your lover is admirable, but don’t take too much control and avoid any criticism. Instead, help them see their own potential by offering encouragement and inspiration.

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Nano-engineered pomegranate oil holds hope for brain disease, study shows Tue, 06 Aug 2024 03:18:29 +0000 30 multiple sclerosis patients in Jerusalem who took antioxidant-rich food supplement for 3 months saw ‘significant cognitive improvement’

Illustrative image of pomegranate fruit and seeds (Stephen J Perrot; iStock by Getty Images)

A Israeli study has found that multiple sclerosis patients taking a nano-engineered nutritional supplement made out of pomegranate oil showed “significant cognitive improvement” after just three months.

The small-scale study of 30 patients was conducted at the Multiple Sclerosis Center at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem by Prof. Dimitrios Karussis, director of the center and a senior neurologist. Results showed that patients taking the supplement witnessed an average 12 percent improvement in learning ability and text comprehension, word recall and categorization, in the three months of treatment.

The researchers are now writing up the findings to submit them to neurological journals for peer review, Karussis said in a phone interview.

The pomegranate oil supplement the patients were given was developed by Prof. Ruth Gabizon, a researcher of degenerative brain diseases at the Neurology Department of Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem, together with Prof. Shlomo Magdassi, an expert in the field of nanotechnology from the Casali Institute for Applied Chemistry at the Hebrew University.

Pomegranates at the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem on August 25, 2016. (Nati Shohat/Flash90)

Pomegranate seed oil (PSO) contains high concentrations of punicic acid, or omega 5, which is believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature.

Common daily activities, such as digesting food and breathing, create free radicals that result in oxidation and damage to human cells, particularly brain cells. Unlike blood or skin cells, brain cells do not get replaced by new ones. So free radicals impair thinking, memory, orientation and alertness, among other abilities.

Degenerative brain disease and brain atrophy are typical of debilitating illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in which brain cells are destroyed, followed by rapid functional and behavioral deterioration and eventual death.

Aging and brain degeneration are a natural and unavoidable process, but they can be accelerated or slowed down depending on our lifestyles.

Antioxidants are known for their ability to protect against the destruction of brain and body cells. They can be found in foods such as cranberries, blueberries, beans, artichokes, pecans and foods containing Vitamin E.

The problem is that the antioxidants consumed through food and supplements are ingested in too low a concentration to have the desired effect or are broken down in the digestive system, and thus never make it to the brain or other cells.

Ruth Gabizon, a researcher of degenerative brain diseases at the Neurology Department of Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem (Hadas Parush/ Flash 90)

So, using nanotechnology, Gabizon and Magdassi say, they managed to break down pomegranate oil into tiny particles that are able to escape the liver’s filtering function and thus can make their way to the brain.

The product they developed, called GranaGard, which has a high concentration of antioxidants, has been found effective in lab mice, and two studies were published in the international Journal of Nanomedicine in November 2015 and in the International Journal of Nanomedicine in 2014.

Prof. Karussis’ study is the first to test the effectiveness of the supplement on humans.

As part of the study, the 30 patients were divided into two groups of 15, with one group getting the nano-engineered omega 5 acid supplement, and the other one getting a placebo. The study was a double blind one, meaning that both the doctors and the patients didn’t know who was getting the pills and who the placebo.

The patients were in a “progressive” or moderate stage of the disease, Karussis said, at a level five out of nine degrees of severity. “These were patients that already had a significant neurological impairment,” he said, and were suffering from the disease for over 10 years.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. This disrupts the ability of parts of the nervous system to transmit signals, causing a variety of physical and mental problems.

Prof. Dimitrios Karussis, director of the Multiple Sclerosis Center at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem (Courtesy)

Patients can suffer from blindness and muscle weakness and trouble with sensation and coordination. A change in cognitive function is common in MS, and more than half of all people with MS will develop problems with information processing, memory, attention and concentration, visual perception and word finding.

Many of the treatments offered to MS patients affect their motoric and sensory abilities, said Karussis, but do not address their cognitive abilities.

“The drugs we give generally aim to depress an inflammatory process, but together with this there is also a degeneration process that happens, caused by the death of nerve cells,” he said. “To avoid this death you need other things, like for example something that works as an antioxidant,” because oxidation is one of the main factors for nerve cell death.

The average 12% improvement in cognitive functions showed by the patients “is significant” he said. In some of the tests performed to assess the variety of functions, patients scored between 20% and 30%, he added.

No improvement or change was observed among subjects participating in the control group. At the end of the study, it was found that the improvement was maintained for at least three months. “The indication in the tests was all in one direction,” he said.

GranaGard is a food supplement that contains pomegranate seed oil (Courtesy)

Karussis said he knows the developers of the supplement, Gabizon and Magdassi, but the study was undertaken independently and he has no connection or financial interests in the firm set up by Gabizon to market the product. Karussis has published more than 120 peer-reviewed scientific papers, mostly in the field of neuroimmunology and stem cells, and is considered one of the world experts in the field of clinical applications of stem cells in neurological diseases.

He added that although the study was on the impact of the supplement on the cognitive function of MS patients, this provides a “logical basis to think” that the supplement could also work on improving the cognitive faculties of patients with Alzheimer’s or other neurodegenerative diseases.

Karussis said he would recommend the supplement to people who are cognitively impaired, because it can be an “important addition” to prevent the death of neurons.

He said that the study was on a small scale because of cost constraints.

“We normally begin with a pilot study, an initial study. And then we can do something bigger if need be. Our aim is to get what is called a proof of concept that proves the idea,” he said.

“You get to a proof of concept when you are sure of results, and here we are getting a significant indication” of success, which means there is reason to recommend the supplement as an addition to treatment for people with cognitive degeneration. “I would be happy to see also a bigger study that will prove this in an unambiguous way.”

“This trial represents a scientific breakthrough in treating cognitive impairment resulting from brain cell destruction using natural antioxidants,” said Gabizon in a phone interview. She added that the supplement can also help older people who are stuck at home under lockdown, due to the coronavirus pandemic, to maintain their cognitive abilities.

These older people are alone at home without the stimulus of a social circle or family, and this can cause a deterioration of their cognitive faculties, she said, causing memory problems or even depression.

The company, Granalix Biotechnologies Ltd., sells its products directly to customers in Israel and abroad online and via distributors in Mexico, Paraguay and Greece. The firm is about to start a second clinical study with Rambam Hospital in Haifa to study the impact of the supplement on moderate and mild cognitive impairment of people with dementia, Gabizon said.

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16 Most Abandoned Places Of The World Tue, 06 Aug 2024 02:43:54 +0000 #16 The Christ of the Depth

Or Cristodegliabissi in an other name, a two and a half-meter statue at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea. The statue was placed under the water in 1954, in memory of DarioGonzatti, who died in 1947 during diving. The Depth of Christ is located in the San Fruttuoso seafront in Italy, Liguria. The statue was six years old this year, and in 2003 it was pulled out for a quick restoration, so that it did not fall apart completely. One arm had to be repaired because an unguarded boat had broke it down successfully. With an anchor.

#15 Kolmanskop, the ghost city in Namibia

In 1908, a black worker found a diamond in this area, and the Germans built up a whole city, only living from diamond mining. The first miners were earning very nice salary, and everything from hospital to theater was built, even trams and casinos. However, after World War I, the area’s diamond stock was depleted and no mining was done. Finally, in 1954, the city was completely emptied. Since then, only tourists are coming here, but in a very nice amount, especially photographers. Great pictures can be made about how the desert recaptured the city after the people had left.

#14 The abandoned dome houses in CapeRomano

The dome houses were originally built in 1981, and a gentleman named John Tosto finally bought them in 2005. He has not touched them yet. There is a constant burst of revolt around the renovation, according to some sources, Tosto may even make a fine of $ 185,000 for them. Me personally would not renew them. There is something unrealistic, ufo-like in their appearance and faced with the facts, the renovation here is rather a clearing up with a dozer, because these houses can not be renovated much. The outlook can be kept, but it is almost simpler – and safer – to rebuild them from zero. In any case, the dome houses are very popular among tourists, which I can understand.Not surprisingly, many people call the boat a Floating Forest and it is a fascinating sight. It is almost ghastly, as the trees have rooted in the deadly scattering hull of the ship. With GooleMaps it can be viewed from the top and it is not less a strange sight.

#13 The abandoned German fishing cottage

The cottage „stands” in Berchtesgaden National Park at the junction between Bavaria and Salzburg. The park was founded in 1978 and is located 210 square kilometers. Poor little cottage is rotting in the world’s most picturesque environment: crystal clear water, mountains that bite into snow-white clouds … However, this does not help on it so much.

#12 Angkorvat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat (or Angkor Wat) is the most prominent temple complex in Angkor. It was built between 1113 and 1150, with 5000 sculptors and stone carver, as well as 50,000 hard-working man in 30 years of work. The complex still functions as a religious center: it plays an important role in both Hindu and Buddhist religions. Angkorvat has become a symbol of Cambodia, even in the flag and the crest – each year crowds of tourists are pilgrimaging here.

#11 The wonderland amusement park

The never-ending Wonderland theme park was an unofficial response from China to Disneyworld and would have been builted 32 kilometers from Beijing. It would have been the biggest theme park in Asia – and as long as the construction took place, they announced it like this – they just never completed their construction. First, the project was canceled for financial reasons in 1998, and in 2008 a second attempt was made to resurrect it, but finally it was busted also. Finally, in mid-May, the semi-finished buildings and other attractions were demolished, but many tourists visited it, and in fact, there was a separate man in the parking lot who led them around.

#10 The Kerry Way trail between Sneem and Kenmare

The road itself is more than 200 kilometers long and is one of Ireland’s most popular hiking trails. The starting point is Killarney, the popular tourist resort, and among the long long trail we can meet the most delightful and beautiful spots in the countryside.

#9 The last house on the Dutch island

The island of Dutch is a rapidly eroding island in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. The island was once inhabited by fishermen and farmers, but nobody has stayed there anymore. The house was built in 1888, and it was for a century fighting with the increasingly disappearing shoreline. Despite the efforts of it’s former owner, Stephen White, he lost against the nature, neither the house nor the island could be saved.

#8 Pripyat, the Ukranian ghost city

Pripyat is a typical memento of playing God. If there were no acquaintances for the name of the city, I suppose it is enough to describe that the former settlement was about 16 km from Chernobyl. After the explosion of block 4 in 1986, the whole city was evacuated and – for understandable reasons –  it is completely uninhabited since then. The ghost town retained the retrograde image of Sovjet settlements – just the nature was always against the concrete, asphalt and brick. This town is sad, and put your hands up, if you would feel safe to move there, even if fifty papers shows that there is nowhere radioactive radiation here anymore.

#7 The fort of Maunsell sea

There are rusty forts in the sea, as if a team of Imperial walkers had been thrown by the gods that could launch a laser beam in the direction of the shore at any moment. The Maunsell Fortresses were left out of World War II so that the monstrosity would have snak from it for their pleasure. The fortress squadron was built in 1942. When they were still operational, the buildings were tied together, with a thin iron bride. Originally there were three fortresses, but now only two has remained. Their structure was the same: seven buildings surrounded the central tower. After World War II, they were disarmed in 1950. The third fort was badly damaged by a storm, and after being scretched by another ship, it was demolished in 1959. In the other two in the sixties and seventies, pirate radio stations were operating for a long time.

#6 The castle of Bodiam

Bodiam Castle is a beautiful castle what has remained in a surprisingly nice condition in England, East Sussex. It was built in 1385, with the leading of strange named Sir Edward Dalyngrigge. Of course, the British scientists have to get rid of everything, and according to the latest science fictions, poor Bodiam castle walls were too thin to stand in a battle, and the waterbows were not enough good, so it was built to be just a pointer. Hard luck. The water slides, however, are already look like a good stuff, and indeed the whole castle. And, indeed, it’s not so common to see a building which have lived a lot of battles in such a beautiful state, so probably  the Bodiam Castle may not have seen so many wars at all. The building was restored by Lord Curzon, God blesses his name.

#5 Michigan railway station, Detroit

The city of Detroit anyway is the bad memento of industrial decline, but the railway station of Michigan gives it an extra: it is more than one hundred years old and when it was built it was the highest and far the most luxurious railway station. Now it is more than 25 years, that the last train has departed from here. The opinions are very divided, what should be done with it. There is no money to renovate it, according to many people they should just clear the area with a dozer because its ugly. According to others it is just beautiful, lot of photographer are comming here not by accidance, they can shoot very good photos how the luxury slowly turned into decay.

#4 Craco, the italian ghost city

Craco is an abandoned italian ghost city in the province of Matera, south Italy. The city has been evacuated in 1963 due to the repeated landslides. The ghost city can be found in the „depth” between the italian boot’s heel and soles, directly next to the sea. Thanks to the evacuation Craco has changed to be a very popular tourist spectacle, moreover they like to make shootings here also. They shoot one part of Mel Gibson’s Passio here also.

#3 The empty Russian missile factory

A girl named LanaSator had a thought, took herself and sneaked into one of the factories in NPO Energomash with a camera, in the suburb of Moscow. The Russian government, of course, was not happy with it and was harassed for it, but no one can deny that she made great pictures. The whole thing looked like if you were wandering around the scenarios of a science fiction movie. There was no one there. No guards, no security precautions, except for some surveillance cameras somewhere. Nobody stopped it, no one questioned. Which is just interesting because the company is one of the world’s largest rocket launching companies.

#2 The tunnel of love, Ukraine

Hearing the name of Ukraine, we think abut molotov coctail and war, not love. In Klevan there is a three kilometer railway which leads to a factory. Here everything is overgrown by the nature – creating an unrivaled beautiful setting.The train is shipping food three times per day to the factory, in the remaining time dozens of photographers shoot the place over, and lovers are coming here: according to the urban legends, whoever goes with their pair and sincerely wants something, their wishes come true.

#1 Nara Dreamland amusement park, Japan

 Nara wanted to beat Disney World down also, of course, with its own figures and attractions, not with Donald Duck and his companions. The amusement park was built in 1961 and closed its doors in 2006 because it hadn’t got enough visitors. There were roller coaster and monolithic railways, all kinds of gaming machines and really everything, all that is needed for a successful adventure park. They were pushing it hard and was going for a long time – but nowadays absolutely no one is coming here. That’s because it is forbidden to enter, and fines have been hit the curious photographers’ palms.

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