Entertainment News – Sunglowfashion.net https://sunglowfashion.net Thu, 22 Aug 2024 01:05:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://sunglowfashion.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/cropped-Sunglow-Fashion-1-32x32.png Entertainment News – Sunglowfashion.net https://sunglowfashion.net 32 32 The Brightest Stars Of The ’80s – Where Are They Now? Which Superstar Ruined His Promising Career Because Of Poor Legal Advice From Their Attorney? https://sunglowfashion.net/the-brightest-stars-of-the-80s-where-are-they-now-which-superstar-ruined-his-promising-career-because-of-poor-legal-advice-from-their-attorney-2/ Thu, 08 Aug 2024 05:58:40 +0000 https://sunglowfashion.net/?p=990 If you’d like to catch up with your favorite stars from the’80s, then keep reading. We are sure that you are wondering where some of the most famous celebrities from the ’80s are and what they are up to these days. We certainly have, so we made a list of the brightest stars from back then.

Some of them ran into financial issues and had to refinance, while a lot faced problems with alcohol and went to drug and alcohol rehab. There also see celebs who managed to get even richer over the years. If you have questions about our ’80s stars, you’re in luck, because we have all the answers.

Don Johnson – Miami Vice

Don Johnson began his career as a stage and movie actor in the ’70s. His rise to fame began when he appeared on the popular series Miami Vice, where he portrayed Det. Sonny Crockett in a city filled with drugs, lawyers and gangsters. Don also released two music albums during the ’80s, with the single ‘Heartbeat’ getting to No.5 on the Billboard charts. Nowadays, you can catch him on the TV show Eastbound & Down.

Matt Dillon – Bad Boy

A very promising young actor from the early ’80s was Matt Dillon. Matt played a bad boy in many movies, including Rumble Fish, My Bodyguard, and Little Darlings. He also made appearances in several comedy films alongside Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson. He once played a drug addict in the movie Drugstore Cowboy, which was praised both by audiences and critics.

25 Adorably Mischievous Pets That Were Caught In The Act https://sunglowfashion.net/25-adorably-mischievous-pets-that-were-caught-in-the-act/ https://sunglowfashion.net/25-adorably-mischievous-pets-that-were-caught-in-the-act/#respond Mon, 05 Aug 2024 05:54:31 +0000 https://sunglowfashion.net/?p=666 If you have pets at home, there is no point in us telling you how adorable they are. Sure thing, pets keep us company, but the truth is that they do so much more than just that. Pets are little angels, and they can even help people with anxiety! The only thing that pet owners don’t talk about often is that, even though pets may be the most adorable creatures on the planet — they sure know how to test our patience! But even still, they somehow manage to do wrong things in the cutest way possible. In case your pet has gotten in trouble recently, you’re going to love this article. We’ve compiled photos of 45 adorably mischievous animals that were caught in the act. Check it out!

You better take me with you next time!

When we say that our pets are a part of the family just like humans are, this means that we’re technically willing to include them in our plans. We used the word ‘technically’ because sometimes it’s just not possible to do that, like when we’re going to travel.

Image courtesy of @whipp.it.lucy.real.good/Instagram

Bringing a pet along for the holidays can be quite expensive, and some people prefer to check them in pet hotels — where they will be treated like royalty, may we add. But some dogs don’t understand that, and they may retaliate. Like this dog that ate his human mother’s passport just because she wouldn’t bring him along!

I was just trying to play a game with you!

Talking about pets immediately makes us think of animals such as dogs and cats. However, there are lots of people who have different animals as pets. For instance, some people have pet snakes, while others have pet rodents. And the truth is that they’re just as cute as canines and felines!

Image courtesy of fchrzan/Reddit

Well, they’re just as cute and just as naughty! Ruby, this adorable ferret you see in the picture, was probably feeling bored when she decided to loot her humans’ laundry and steal every dirty sock. And if that wasn’t enough, she scattered them all over the apartment so the humans wouldn’t find them!

Sorry I couldn’t help myself!

If you stop to think about it, dogs and children share quite a few similarities in their personalities. For instance, both love playing games, both are innocent and adorable — and both children and pets tend to get in trouble!

Image courtesy of @rantandraeve/Instagram

And just like with kids, the one not getting in trouble can’t help but watch and laugh, like this cat who just watched the dog eat raw bread rolls. While he wasn’t caught in the act, the poor dog threw up, and the owners found out what he’d done on a trip to the vet’s office!

Isn’t that what it was for?

Having a large dog at home takes quite a lot of courage, especially if they’re energetic. Bigger breeds require more space and they’re bound to do things that you won’t be too happy with — such as destroying things around the house with their clumsiness.

Image courtesy of @gsdzelda/Instagram

This dog could be described in two adjectives: unwieldy and tireless. And when you add these two things in one big guy like this one, it’s pretty obvious that crazy things are going to happen. We have to admit that we love the human’s description, “like the Kool-Aid Man.”

She didn’t want to play with me.

Dogs, much like children, don’t always understand that they can’t do some things. And no matter how hard you try to get it through their heads that they can’t be pulling some stunts, chances are that they’re still going to do it.

Image courtesy of @shibagram__inari_kitsune/Instagram

Despite having been told several times that he shouldn’t play anywhere near Alexa, this adorable Shiba Inu ignored all warnings. The result? He destroyed the power connection cable and ultimately destroyed his humans’ Alexa. At least he looks like he regrets what he did, right?

Didn’t mean to scare you, dad!

This next dog didn’t do something messy like the other animals in this article. He did something that scared his dad, and for that, he’s making it to this list. Dogs are just like humans, in the sense that both species fart.

Image courtesy of @codylab/Instagram

And this dog chose the worst time to let out a loud one. While his owner watched a horror movie, the dog farted and made such a terrible sound that the dog’s dad had a jump scare! But look at his face: does he really deserve to be on this list when he’s this adorable?!

I’m a puzzling dog.

For lots of people, solving puzzles is the perfect hobby. It takes quite a lot of time and dedication to complete puzzles, especially if they have hundreds (or even thousands) of pieces. Now, imagine being a piece away from solving a puzzle only to find that the last piece is missing!

Image courtesy of @cjenglishauthor/Instagram

Let us tell you upfront: that feeling is awful. And this person went through this horrible experience more often than one would like to. Why is that? Because while her hobby is solving puzzles, her dog’s hobby is eating puzzle pieces!

Guess who’s the naughty one here?

If you have two or more kids, you know how each of them has a unique personality. Some kids are quiet and gentle, while other kids are too energetic for their own good sometimes. And who said that dogs are any different?

Image courtesy of @hugoandursula/Instagram

This human adopted two dogs from the same litter of puppies, Hugo and Huxley. While the former is an absolute angel, Huxley is quite the troublemaker. He’s always doing things he shouldn’t, and his human spends a lot of her time calling his name to get him to stop being naughty!

I didn’t know I was supposed to share it.

Most people love celebrating their birthday. This is the perfect occasion to get together with our beloved friends and family members. It is also the day that we get pampered the most by those around us. Except for our pets — sometimes they don’t really care it’s our special day!

Image courtesy of dogshaming.com

Like this adorable dog, for instance. Instead of being the good girl she always was, Tula decided to jump on the kitchen counter and eat the birthday cake that was meant for her human! We hope it wasn’t chocolate, or Linda would have ended her party with a trip to the vet.

I have lots of tricks up my sleeve!

Dogs do plenty of silly things, like going through the trash or eating things they’re not supposed to. Cats, on the other hand, are not that ridiculous. Sure, cats do things they shouldn’t be doing, but they have more complex skills.

Image courtesy of @leia709/Instagram

For instance, does your dog know how to lock the door? Probably not. But your cat? We wouldn’t put it past him/her. If they’re anything like the cat in the picture, they can probably learn how to lock you outside your own house and not look guilty about it!

Well, I had to know what would happen.

Do you know how we just said that dogs do plenty of silly stuff, like eating things that aren’t edible? Well, this next picture will do nothing but prove our point. When left alone, this dog ate glittery ornaments, and the result was hilarious.

Image courtesy of @cshel718/Instagram

Fabulous disco poo? That sounds hilarious. We’re pretty thankful that this dog’s owner didn’t post a picture of this shimmery poo — and we hope that the dog was okay after eating that stuff. Judging by the regretful look on his face, it seems like he won’t be doing that again.

Is this a reenactment of Home Alone?

Most of us watched the Home Alone movies when we were kids. You probably remember how Kevin McCallister was ingenious enough to create insane traps all over his house in order to catch thieves. And maybe this cat was inspired by him:

Image courtesy of CreatrixAnima/Reddit

Well, he didn’t necessarily catch a thief, but his “trap” did catch his mom. His mom had no idea he went to the bathroom outside his litterbox, and ended up slipping and getting covered in cat pee. Safe to say she wasn’t too happy about it!

Did you really think you’d get rid of me, human?

As we said before, cats do complex things. These animals are incredibly intelligent and they’ll do things that surprise both humans and other animals. After hearing the news that his mother would be going away to a rodeo, this cat decided that he wouldn’t be left behind.

Image courtesy of @darrelthebarncat/Instagram

While all humans were busy getting their bags ready for the road trip, this beautiful cat snuck into the horse trailer and hid from everyone for the next three hours. Imagine his mother’s surprise when she got to her destination and found Darrell looking at her like this!

Bet you never thought we’d do this, right?

Animals do unbelievable stuff sometimes. If you have a pet, you know exactly what we are talking about. But we are pretty sure that you have never seen animals do what these two little guys did to their human parents.

Image courtesy of idahocowgirl5/Reddit

After leaving his phone unlocked, this human noticed that some things were off about it. He immediately checked what had happened with his phone and found out that one of his pets accidentally bought a new phone on Amazon! And his accomplice made things harder for their human by turning off the internet!

I was hungry, Judy!

When we said that having a big dog at home requires a lot of things, we truly meant it. These big guys (and gals) are not easy to handle — but they also bring a lot of joy to our lives. Even if sometimes they do things like this:

Image courtesy of Aspyr99/Reddit

Yes, you read that right. This adorably guilty dog jumped into someone else’s car and stole a hamburger! It sounds like something straight out of a movie, but we suppose that this is one of the things that are bound to happen when you have a big and energetic dog like this!

He asked for it!

Dogs are adorable and will certainly help make our days brighter. But that doesn’t mean that we won’t get stressed out because of them sometimes. There are times that dogs do things that make us fear for their safety like this adorable dog did:

Image courtesy of dogshaming.com

When you look at this beautiful face, it’s kind of hard to imagine that this dog would do anything to make his mother worried. But the truth is that he got stuck into a groundhog hole (twice) and almost made his mom have a heart attack!

I just love children!

Dogs may love their human parents, but do you know who they love even more? Children! If you have a dog and kids under the same roof, you know that this is true. Kids and dogs get along really well because they’re equally adorable and innocent.

Image courtesy of @gnoc.gus.mav/Instagram

With that in mind, can you really blame this dog for jumping into a stranger’s van just because he wanted to say to their kids? We certainly can’t! We mean, look at that face; it’s like the dog doesn’t even know what was wrong with what he did!

This is what you get, mommy!

Cats are extremely intelligent and classy creatures, but they can also be very petty. If you do something that displeases your cat, they will let you know just how they feel. And believe us when we say that you probably won’t like their ideas for revenge!

Image courtesy of ellieconclavi/Reddit

We don’t know exactly what went down between this cat and his human mother, but she must have done something really annoying. And he didn’t just pee, as the sign says; he made sure to also stare right into her eyes as he did it!

I can’t help it if I like to keep things simple.

Okay, we may have exaggerated when we said that all cats are intelligent and classy. Maybe not all of them are the same, and this next is going to prove it. As smart as they are, cats can get easily distracted by some things.

Image courtesy of @samantha_wa11ace/Instagram

If your cat also gets distracted by window blinds, you know how the person who took this picture feels. It’s almost as if felines love ruining anything that dangles! After spending money to buy the things they destroy, owners simply give up and accept that they can’t have nice things!

Can you believe I did that?

Sometimes, it’s hard for parents to believe that their children were able to do something. And when you have a pet at home, sometimes you feel the same way. Pets do crazy things without even realizing how insane they are!

Image courtesy of @ambrosefamilypets/Instagram

While this owner wasn’t scared of her gassy cat, like the horror movie fan, it didn’t make it any more pleasant. And it’s kind of hard to believe that he had no idea that what he did was wrong, especially because he ran away like he knew he’d get in trouble!

So this is not what I was supposed to do, huh.

Just like cats and dogs have an everlasting rivalry, so do cats and mice. These two species don’t get along at all, and cats are well known for hunting mice. But what happens when a cat actually has nothing against rodents?

Image courtesy of @kimbrleyb/Instagram

This human found out the answer in an adorable way. While she was away, some mice broke into her house. Instead of being chased away by the house’s fearless cat, the human was surprised to find out that her shared his food with them rather than making them his meal!

Sorry to scare you all!

Some dogs are really quiet and polite, but even the nice ones are mischievous puppies. Puppies are still trying to figure out what’s going on in the world around them and what they can and cannot do. And it seems like this puppy still has quite a few things to learn:

Image courtesy of Shibaru-in-a-Subaru/Reddit

For instance, it still has to learn that having some poo stuck to his but is not the end of the world. Imagine how scared his family must have been when the dog suddenly started screaming and running around desperate for help!

I panicked, mom!

This next picture is yet another piece of evidence that not all cats are classy and nonchalant. They sometimes panic and do disgusting things, just like every other animal. Puddy, the adorable cat in the picture below, panicked when he saw what he had done.

Image courtesy of @norwegianpuddycat/Instagram

Instead of leaving his poo alone and going about his day, Puddy made things so much worse for himself and for his humans. The more you read this plaque, the worse his story gets. And the best part is that he looks so adorable; we doubt his humans were upset at him for long!

If you didn’t give me one, I made one myself.

In case you just got your first pet, we have a very useful piece of advice for you: make sure to give them the things they want. We don’t mean that you have to give them everything they ask for but do give them the things they need. Like a doggie door.

Image courtesy of @dogshaming/Twitter

This lovely baby’s parents didn’t give her a doggie door, so she took matters into her own hands and made her own. As you can see, her parents would’ve saved more money if only they had given her the door she wanted in the first place!

Are you shaming me publicly, mother?

This post is a compilation of pet parents that decided to “shame” their pets online. We assure you that they didn’t do it to actually make their pets feel bad about it. Or did they? It’s kind of hard to tell with this next one:

Image courtesy of baquea/Reddit

The truth is that publicly shaming their gluttonous cat is a hilarious way of showing that this family cares about their pet. This sign they taped to a lamp post is basically a call for help. Hopefully, Pan won’t be fooling any more strangers from now on!

Oh, so I was meant to do the opposite?

As we said before, cats and mice are considered to be rivals in the animal kingdom. It is only natural for cats to hunt mice, and lots of people count on their cats to get rid of these unwelcome visitors.

Image courtesy of @countvonmeatball/Instagram

But what if the cat gets the message wrong? Instead of chasing away the mice, this cat actually brought a mouse into his house! He released it in his mother’s bedroom of all places, and it’s safe to say she didn’t like the unwanted present.

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Understanding Cat Behavior: Turn a Fondness for Felines into Love https://sunglowfashion.net/understanding-cat-behavior-turn-a-fondness-for-felines-into-love/ https://sunglowfashion.net/understanding-cat-behavior-turn-a-fondness-for-felines-into-love/#respond Mon, 05 Aug 2024 05:45:57 +0000 https://sunglowfashion.net/?p=733 By now, it’s redundant to say that cats have taken over the Internet. A quick perusal of social media will always involve stories of our furry friends: here’s a feline sitting on its box throne; there’s another demanding to be served its milk; and here’s another curled up, pushing its human roomie out onto the unsleepable fringes of the bed.

Humans are so fond of cats. We just can’t help it. We might not understand how they put us under their spell, but here’s a chance to understand their behavior better. Read on and turn your fondness for cats into love by better understanding how they communicate.

1. Cat Stare

Cats like to gaze into open spaces as though reflecting on life. They also have a habit of staring at humans, often with unblinking focus. We might wonder if they’re plotting our demise, thinking about taking us down when we’re at our most vulnerable.

Photo by Liliana Marin/ Unsplash

But a cat’s stare might just mean that they want something. They might want to sit on your lap, be fed, or sleep beside you. A soft, blinking gaze may be their way of showing their affection. But beware a prolonged, intense stare. This usually precedes an attack.

2. Hungry for Attention

It’s funny how cats know just when to bother you at the perfect time. When you’re all dressed up and ready to go to work, it’ll follow you everywhere around the house until you finally give in to its demands for a few minutes of cuddling.

Photo by Paul Hanaoka/ Unsplash

There’s no use bargaining. Not giving them what they want only leads to trouble. Your cat might be found licking itself innocently next to broken ornaments or lounging on the table where your mug once sat, or even rolling itself across your keyboard, sending incomprehensible messages and emails out into the world.

3. Anarchist Cats

The great American writer Ernest Hemingway used to have more than fifty cats in his abode in Key West, where he wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls. Most of them were polydactyl cats that he liked to call “the best anarchists”. This might be because cats are highly opinionated creatures, not unlike Hemingway himself.

Photo by Ömürden Cengiz/ Unsplash

Unlike dogs, kitties will only approach humans when they feel like it. Cats are in no way obedient and can very rarely be ordered to do anything. They are capable of love and affection, but it has to be on their terms. 

4. Furry Masseuse

It takes more time to earn the trust of a feline than that of a pooch. Those who are patient and brave enough to take a few scratches will eventually win their furry friend over. Some owners, after earning their cat’s hard-earned trust, swear they get massages from time to time.

Photo by Jonas Vincent/ Unsplash

This behavior can be traced back to their time as kittens. When their gentle pinkish paws kneaded their mother’s mammary gland when feeding, they were pressing for more milk. When a cat kneads a human, it means that it’s comfortable with you. It’s an expression of their love, contentment, and pleasure. 

5. Why Cats Sniff

Cats are a little bit like dogs in that they like to sniff the place out, especially when they enter new territory. This is their way of figuring out their environment. Being cautious creatures, they are always analyzing places and people, as well as the activities of other animals.

Photo by Jinel Thao Nguyen/ Pixabay

Cats sniff humans to get used to their scent, only if they deem you worthy. It’s their way of bonding, marking you as a familiar. Cats also use their sense of smell to identify food or to determine whether another animal is a friend or foe. 

6. Detecting an Eating Disorder

An alleycat in the street is likely to take anything you feed them. With gusto, especially if they are famished or in survival mode. Cats are clever scavengers who will scrounge dumpsters for leftover food to get through the day.

Photo by Perchek Industrie/ Unsplash

But under better circumstances, felines tend to be choosy with their food. They dislike repetitive meals and hate chewing on plastic. If you see a cat eating plastic or non-food materials, it’s likely to have an eating disorder called pica

7. Warming up to Hunt

Cats are extremely observant. They tend to pick their spots by the window, examining all the minute details of the backyard. Sometimes you’ll forget they’re there because they’re so quiet, like humans in deep study, prepping for an important test.

Photo by Caroline/ Unsplash

If they get noisy while eyeing prey, it means they are frustrated, perhaps because of a barrier. If they’re calm while mouthing certain sounds, this might mean they’re warming their muscles up for a kill. 

8. Tell Tail Signs

New cat parents might wonder what it means when their feline baby walks towards them with its tail up straight, like a lighthouse scanning the ocean. It could be interpreted by some as an aggressive stance by an angry cat, with its tail up in the air like the blade of a sword, ready to come slicing down.

Photo by Camille Frey/ Unsplash

But a straight tail means that your cat trusts you completely. An upright tail is a display of openness. It means that it’s happy to be around you. If your cat turns its back on you, it’s giving you permission to stroke its back.

9. Exposed Belly

It is perfectly normal for domesticated animals to behave defensively, just like their cousins in the wild, especially when they’re out guarding their territory or going further afield. It’s simply in their DNA to be wary of danger.

Photo by athree23/ Pixabay

So when cats roll on the floor and expose their tummies, it’s fairly obvious what they’re saying. They are comfortable and relaxed around you. An exposed tummy is also their way of giving you the green light for a belly rub. It might also mean playtime with a checkered ball or a certain squeaky rubber ducky.

10. Hyperactive After Dark

Cats love to slumber during the day, way beyond how often humans sleep especially on a full stomach. On average, they can sleep from twelve to sixteen hours to the great envy of their hardworking owners, who could only imagine such luxuries in their lives.

Photo by Alan Chen/ Unsplash

Having slept so much in the day, they wake up with an abundance of energy to spend in the nighttime. If there’s an absence of prey to hunt, cats can become noisy and restless. If they end up breaking things, remember not to take it too personally.

11. Cats Favor Confined Spaces

Domesticated cats never lost the predatory instincts that their bigger and wilder ancestors handed down to them. They are skilled hunters and plan raids even if they are regularly fed at home. As well as being skilled hunters, cats defend themselves pretty well too. 

Photo by KiVEN Zhao/ Unsplash

Don’t be too surprised to see your cat nestled in confined spaces. They love the strategic advantage that a cardboard box gives them, just in the same way their wild ancestors would use boulders and caves which shielded their backs from attack. 

12. High Energy

Cats are designed to fend for themselves. They’re ready to survive the worst the world can throw at them, and they have a lot of energy stored up for that exact purpose. When cats live in comfort with all the convenience that an owner brings, they end up not knowing what to do with all that energy, like a fully fueled race car with nowhere to go.

Photo by rihaij/ Pixabay

To burn off all that excess energy, cats play games. They go on pretend hunts, chase balls, or go running around the house. There’s nothing wrong with them if they act that way. They’re just energized and bored.

13. Cats Give You Goodies

Most people treat their pets like family. Some even treat pets as if they were their own children. The good news is that cats are capable of loving us back. They can tell when they are being adored or being pampered. Oftentimes, they will try to return the favor.

Photo by Chuan Xu/ Unsplash

To show their gratitude, cats bring their owners gifts: dead mice, bugs, a bouquet of dead plants on the bed. All thoughtful goodies in their eyes, but horrific sights to us. It’s the thought that counts, right?

14. How Cats Behave in a Safe Environment

Cat parents like to share stories about their pets being lazy at home, how they can be seen lying down and getting up only to eat. In between those two endeavors, they might also indulge in a bit of a stretch. If they are found relaxing to the max all day, every day, it means that they have found a place that they can call home.

Photo by Niklas Hamann/ Unsplash

They feel comfortable because they aren’t threatened by a thing. These are signs that they have let their guard down, content with being the king of their castle.

15. Covering Their Tracks

Cats instinctively search for sandy places to defecate so they can also bury their refuse afterward. It’s part of their self-defense, like spies habitually covering their tracks to avoid being caught.

Photo via Imgur

People love them even more for this, as it keeps a home smelling fresh and clean. Finding your cat straying from this instinctive behavior might be a cause for concern. Better consult with a veterinarian if it happens.

16. Pay Attention to Cat’s Ears

Where a cat’s sense of smell falls short compared to that of a dog, it makes up for it with a strong sense of hearing. A cat’s ears have tufts and pockets that enhance its sensitivity to higher and lower sound frequencies. With such powerful ears, a cat can detect even the slightest movements which would have gone unnoticed by a canine.

Photo by Lina Angelov/ Unsplash

You can also tell by their ears if they’re angry. If their ears are cocked backward, it means that they are becoming aggressive. A normal position means it is safe to pet them.

17. Cat Sparring

This pastime isn’t as common as their other favorite forms of entertainment, such as playing games, hopping about on random platforms, or play-hunting. Cats are highly intelligent creatures and see these activities as manifestations of their creativity. People who don’t get this behavior tend to think they are weird. 

Photo by Oleg Ivanov/ Unsplash

But it’s not that weird. When they pretend to attack your feet, moving in and out like a hacksaw, they’re simply pretending to hunt, honing their ability without actually intending to harm you. Think of your cat as a prizefighter sparring with its partner.

18. They Love to Sleep

It’s not uncommon for cat owners to come home after a long day of work to find their cats in the same place they were in when they left. Cats sleep for around fifteen hours a day, and may even sleep for longer as they age.

Image by Екатерина Гусева/ Pixabay

There’s nothing wrong with them. When they do this, cats are saving energy so they can hunt at night. Humans think they’re being lazy, but cats call it being energy efficient. This is a trait they inherited from their predatory ancestors, not a sign of laziness. 

19. Disturbing Behavior

Cats exhibit all sorts of peculiar behaviors which can be charmingly entertaining to humans. Some of these performances are exclusive to cats, but even if they weren’t, they’d still pull off their antics and create cuteness overloads, on or off the internet. 

Photo via Imgur

When cats sulk in a corner, it’s nothing to be alarmed about. But if you see your dear feline bumping its head against the wall, it might be experiencing trauma or suffering from a serious tumor that needs examination right away.

20. Soothing Sounds

The low-frequency hum of a cat’s purr subliminally calms all those within range. It’s an alien sound that soothes our minds and invites us to relax. Cats usually produce a purr when their human caresses or strokes them, as an encouragement to continue.

Photo by Marta Markes/ Unsplash

Cats use purring like a palliative, to relieve stress and to calm their senses. A cat’s purr is like organic medicine. Some researchers say it may heal them if they have minor wounds and can help their bodies promote muscle repair.

21. Trailing Behind Like a Shadow

Cats have a habit of ignoring their master’s call, in contrast to dogs who are consistently eager to please their masters. Cats tend to be snobbish, attending exclusively to their own selfish whims. At other times, however, they might decide to trail you like a shadow.

Photo by anlyu0/ Pixabay

Cats might just feel secure around their beloved humans. But they also like to be in control, thus their curiosity pushes them to seek answers in everything. That might explain why they tend to follow us around, even when we go to the john.

22. Sign of Defensiveness

Other than reading tail signals, it may be hard to tell a cat’s emotions. Unless it hisses and shows obvious signs of distress, cats are easily misunderstood, a mistake which often leads to scratch marks. That’s a cat for you. And that’s partly why humans love them. They are cute but often quite unpredictable.

Photo by christels/ Pixabay

But one way of telling that they are feeling defensive is when their tail is curved downward. It shows they are on the alert and may have sighted prey or danger in the vicinity. 

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The Cast Of Star Trek: Where Are They Now? https://sunglowfashion.net/the-cast-of-star-trek-where-are-they-now-2/ Fri, 02 Aug 2024 01:41:05 +0000 https://www.sunglowfashion.net/?p=641 Star Trek is something of a cult classic now, with so many fans the world over, and Trekkie conventions that pull in the masses. Have you ever wondered what some of your favorite Star Trek characters and cast members were up to these days though?

Deanna Troi – Marina Sirtis

This British-American actress was born in London, and is very well known for her part in Star Trek: The Next Generation, in which she plays Deanna Troi, a half-human, half-Betazoid who was also the counsellor on the ship, the USS Enterprise-D. Not just appearing in the TV show, Marina also starred in all four of the films that followed on, and has also appeared in Star Trek: VoyagerStar Trek: Enterprise, and also Star Trek continues. She’s been in a few films over the years – The Grudge 3 in 2009, and also 2004’s Crash.

Pinterest // @ebaumsworld

Hoshi Sato – Linda Park

Hoshi Sato was a communications officer in Star Trek: Enterprise, first appearing in 2001 and hanging around until 2005, and she was played by Linda Park, a Korean-American actress. Not just famous for her role in the sci-fi classic, you may also have spotted Linda in a number of other roles over the years. She appeared in Jurassic Park III in 2001, before her ‘Trekkie’ days, and she went on to star in Crash since, as well as appearing in NCISHouseThe Mentalist, and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

Pinterest // @ebaumsworld
Love Island Star Suffers Anaphylaxis Aboard Flight, Administers Epinephrine on Video https://sunglowfashion.net/love-island-star-suffers-anaphylaxis-aboard-flight-administers-epinephrine-on-video/ Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:47:24 +0000 https://www.sunglowfashion.net/?p=520
Jack Fowler in a Dubai Hospital

Love Island UK star Jack Fowler was rushed to the hospital after a serious anaphylactic reaction aboard an Emirates flight to Dubai, according to an Instagram post he shared yesterday.

Despite multiple warnings to the cabin crew that he had a severe allergy to tree nuts, Fowler was served chicken curry containing cashews and immediately felt the signs of a severe reaction coming on.

He immediately administered his epinephrine auto-injector and was given oxygen for the remainder of the flight.

Upon landing, he was immediately rushed to a hospital.

He posted:

Cant believe I’m having to post this. And I’m posting because people should be aware of the severity of how bad food allergies can be and the complete negligence from emirates airline.

I recently flew with Emirates Airline where I was given a Cashew Nut. I made my flight attendant aware of my nut allergy twice before being given a chicken curry. I wasn’t given a menu to chose from, instead I was asked directly if I wanted chicken or fish. I opted for the chicken. When I asked for the chicken I told the air-host that I’m severely allergic to all nuts. I was then told that there was no nuts in the chicken curry. When I received the meal I asked the same flight attendant again to make sure, and again was told that it does not have nuts included. Trusting my flight attendant I began to eat the chicken curry. Immediately my throat closed up and breathing became extremely difficult.

I told a flight attendant I couldn’t breathe and if there was nuts in the food. I was told that there were no nuts in the chicken curry AGAIN. It was only when my friend demanded to see the food menu for the first time did I realise it was a ‘Creamy Cashew Nut chicken Curry’.

This left me with the real possibility of dying on the plane as I knew I needed emergency treatment immediately. I was given five tanks of Oxygen, as well as administering my Adrenaline Pen (Epi Pen). I told the flight supervisor ‘If you don’t land this plane soon, I will die on this plane’. This then lead to the pilot speeding up the journey.

Once we landed I was rushed into Dubais airport Hospital where I continued treatment.

What needs to happen for Airlines to take food allergies seriously??

emirates it is not good enough. I’m lucky to be able to have a platform to make as many people aware of your complete negligence. You are responsible for your passengers and their safety. Giving a passenger food which they’ve stated TWICE will cause extreme harm is unacceptable.

I hope all airlines and cabin crew who come across this post take note. We board your flights and trust the cabin crew to aid us in a safe flight. Take more care.

His post included a of video himself administering an epinephrine auto-injector during the flight as well as photos of him at a hospital in Dubai:

We are thankful Fowler survived and applaud him for going public with his ordeal to educate the public.

Time and again, we have posted tragic events and near misses aboard airliners related to inadvertent exposure to allergens. This must end.

Airlines should have a standard means for passengers to disclose their allergens before flying and forward those disclosures to cabin staff, who should be trained to understand the severity and identify hazards in meals, snacks, and beverages. The airline should then be required to make reasonable accommodations to ensure their passengers are safe during the flight.

We remind our readers that epinephrine is the only drug that can halt and reverse the progression of anaphylaxis, but it can’t save your life if you don’t have it with you. Always take two epinephrine auto-injectors aboard (and everywhere else) and administer one when you first suspect anaphylaxis.

Source: Jack Fowler Post — Instagram

The Brightest Stars Of The ’80s – Where Are They Now? Which Superstar Ruined His Promising Career Because Of Poor Legal Advice From Their Attorney? https://sunglowfashion.net/the-brightest-stars-of-the-80s-where-are-they-now-which-superstar-ruined-his-promising-career-because-of-poor-legal-advice-from-their-attorney/ Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:46:00 +0000 https://www.sunglowfashion.net/?p=561 If you’d like to catch up with your favorite stars from the’80s, then keep reading. We are sure that you are wondering where some of the most famous celebrities from the ’80s are and what they are up to these days. We certainly have, so we made a list of the brightest stars from back then.

Some of them ran into financial issues and had to refinance, while a lot faced problems with alcohol and went to drug and alcohol rehab. There also see celebs who managed to get even richer over the years. If you have questions about our ’80s stars, you’re in luck, because we have all the answers.

Don Johnson – Miami Vice

Don Johnson began his career as a stage and movie actor in the ’70s. His rise to fame began when he appeared on the popular series Miami Vice, where he portrayed Det. Sonny Crockett in a city filled with drugs, lawyers and gangsters. Don also released two music albums during the ’80s, with the single ‘Heartbeat’ getting to No.5 on the Billboard charts. Nowadays, you can catch him on the TV show Eastbound & Down.

Matt Dillon – Bad Boy

A very promising young actor from the early ’80s was Matt Dillon. Matt played a bad boy in many movies, including Rumble Fish, My Bodyguard, and Little Darlings. He also made appearances in several comedy films alongside Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson. He once played a drug addict in the movie Drugstore Cowboy, which was praised both by audiences and critics.

Mel Gibson – Alcohol Abuse 

Mel Gibson has come back after being in Hollywood exile for over ten years. Mel was a huge star in the ’80s, but his behavior got too out of hand for Hollywood to handle. The actor was once barred from driving since he was arrested driving under the influence of alcohol. His DUI attorney was again able to avoid a prison sentence when he got arrested under the same charges in 2006. We hope he keeps the best criminal attorney in his contacts list as it might come in handy if he continues his dangerous behavior.

Kiefer Sutherland – Legal Issues

Kiefer Sutherland started his career in America as the bully Ace in the classic ’80s movie, Stand By Me. He is the son of famous veteran actor Donald Sutherland, thus he must have gotten part of his acting skills from his dad. He is another celebrity who needed a good DUI lawyer after he got arrested for driving under the influence charges in L. A. in 2007. A few weeks later, he apologized for his behavior. It’s a good thing that Kiefer doesn’t need to go to any alcohol rehab facilities (at least, as far as we know).

Harrison Ford – Frequent Injuries

Harrison Ford became one of the most popular Hollywood actors in the late ’70s. His rise to stardom began with his appearance in the Star Wars original franchise, portraying the heroic rogue Han Solo. Later, he appeared in many other films, including the Indiana Jones movie series. Harrison got a lot out of his health insurance when he herniated a disk in his back in 1983. He also hurt his ankle in 2014 while filming Star Wars: The Force Awakens – a great opportunity for a PI attorney.

Jenilee Harrison – Happily Married

Jenilee Harrison is best known for appearing on the hit TV show Three’s Company where she was the replacement for the blonde roommate named Cindy Show after Suzanne Somers left the show. Her marriage with Bruce Oppenheim, a doctor, has stood the test of time since 1993. The actress mustn’t have searched for a divorce attorney since she’s been happily married for more than twenty years now.

Demi Moore – Three Divorces

Demi Moore was a very familiar face for those who happened to love the movie industry back in the ’80s. Back then, she had had a number of lead roles, but on her road to stardom, she almost lost her faith in love, as she required a divorce lawyer three times. Yes, you heard it right, Demi Moore got divorced three times and her marriages didn’t last much either. So it would seem she had to change the locks, as well as her life insurance beneficiaries a couple of times.

Patrick Dempsey – Highschool Dropout

Patrick became a high school dropout to pursue a career in something he had always loved –  acting. We have to admit, it probably was the right call. He began his career as a theater actor, getting a role when he was just fifteen years old. He has had a screen presence ever since. Grey’s Anatomy made him a household name, made even sweeter with a bank account opening to store the money he earned for each episode he did. Patrick has also been involved with cancer research as his mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She died at the age of 79.

Matthew Broderick – Tragic Crash

Matthew Broderick became famous mostly for his role in the iconic comedy, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. However, the actor has had many other roles as well. He is happily married to actress Sarah Jessica Parker and the couple remains inseparable for over twenty years now. The actor needed a personal injury attorney once since he suffered from fractured ribs, a fractured leg and a concussion because of a car crash while driving a rented car in 1987.

Drew Barrymore – Substance Abuse

Drew Barrymore captured our hearts with her appearance in the iconic movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, which was released in 1982. It was more than apparent that Drew was born to be a star. However, she went through a rough patch during her teenage years, battling substance abuse. Not much was written about her inpatient drug rehab but in the end, she was able to overcome her condition successfully. Nowadays, she has her own family and has made a successful comeback into the acting world.

Tom Cruise – Scientology Poster-boy

Tom Cruise is making big changes in his life as the actor is rumored to be dating future-wife number four. We hope that the Top Gun actor won’t need a divorce attorney again as with his previous marriages. His career began in the ’80s and he appeared in numerous movies, including iconic ones like Cocktail and Risky Business. Soon he will star in Mission Impossible 6 and Luna Park. Cruise has been a staunch supporter of the Church of Scientology since the ’90s, particularly after he claimed that they had helped cure his dyslexia.

Sylvester Stallone – Rocky Road

American actor, screenwriter, and filmmaker, Sylvester Stallone became famous for portraying boxer Rocky Balboa in the Rocky films from 1976 to 2015. He was one of the greatest Hollywood stars back in the ’80s and his roles cemented his status as a huge celebrity. He needed a personal injury lawyer every now and then since he was willing to do most of his stunts while filming.

Eddie Murphy – Buchwald Lawsuit

Eddie Murphy is counted among the greatest stand-up comedians to have ever lived. The voice of ‘Donkey’ from the animated film series Shrek and of the dragon from Mulan, he also acted in many other iconic roles which still make us laugh every time. Eddie was once sued by Art Buchwald who claimed that he had used his ideas for a script. Eddie hired a criminal defense lawyer but eventually, Art Buchwald was awarded $150,000 in a summary judgment.

Bruce Willis – Happily Married

Bruce’s acting career started on the Off-Broadway stage. The actor became known for portraying David Addison in the romantic-action TV series, Moonlighting. He also starred in the Die Hard film series, Pulp Fiction, Color of Night and many other films. He recently celebrated eight years of marriage with his wife, Emma Heming. As the father of five children, he must have sought advice from a will lawyer to help him with his wealth management and to prepare for their future. Also, let’s not forget his life insurance.

The Cast Of Star Trek: Where Are They Now? https://sunglowfashion.net/the-cast-of-star-trek-where-are-they-now/ Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:40:40 +0000 https://www.sunglowfashion.net/?p=593 Star Trek is something of a cult classic now, with so many fans the world over, and Trekkie conventions that pull in the masses. Have you ever wondered what some of your favorite Star Trek characters and cast members were up to these days though?

Deanna Troi – Marina Sirtis

This British-American actress was born in London, and is very well known for her part in Star Trek: The Next Generation, in which she plays Deanna Troi, a half-human, half-Betazoid who was also the counsellor on the ship, the USS Enterprise-D. Not just appearing in the TV show, Marina also starred in all four of the films that followed on, and has also appeared in Star Trek: VoyagerStar Trek: Enterprise, and also Star Trek continues. She’s been in a few films over the years – The Grudge 3 in 2009, and also 2004’s Crash.

Pinterest // @ebaumsworld

Hoshi Sato – Linda Park

Hoshi Sato was a communications officer in Star Trek: Enterprise, first appearing in 2001 and hanging around until 2005, and she was played by Linda Park, a Korean-American actress. Not just famous for her role in the sci-fi classic, you may also have spotted Linda in a number of other roles over the years. She appeared in Jurassic Park III in 2001, before her ‘Trekkie’ days, and she went on to star in Crash since, as well as appearing in NCISHouseThe Mentalist, and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

Pinterest // @ebaumsworld

Commander T’Pol – Jolene Blalock

When she was aged just 17, Jolene Blalock left home to become a model for the Asia and European market. After finding the modeling world difficult despite becoming a huge hit for guy’s mags, she made the leap into an acting career, with small roles in TV shows such as CSI: Crime Scene InvestigationVeronica’s Closet, and Love Boat: The Next Wave. It wasn’t until 2001 that she was offered the part of Commander T’Pol, a revolution she still says “delighted her” to this day.

(Left) Twitter // @adwebbjr | (Right) Shutterstock // PRPP

Jadzia Dax – Terry Farrell

Before Terry Farrell got the part of Jadzia Dax in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, she almost lost out to Martha Hackett, who also auditioned for the role. At just 16 years old, a young Terry Farrell headed to New York to become a model, and within just a couple of days of getting there, had been signed by the women’s mag, Mademoiselle. It was during her almost two years of modelling that she studied acting, and in 1993, she was offered the part of Jadzia. She since went on to star in Becker.

(Left) Pinterest // @DJ_Pix | (Right) X // @4TerryFarrell

Ensign Ro Laren – Michelle Forbes

She’s well known in the US and the UK for her parts in hit TV shows, but Michelle Forbes, real name Michelle Renee Forbes Guajardo, is most remembered her playing the part of Ensign Ro Laren in Star Trek: The Next Generation. She has had various TV roles over the years, including in Prison Break24Durham County, and more recently, True Blood, and you’ll also spot her in another sci-fi hit – Battlestar Galatica. Not bad for the little girl who actually wanted to become a ballet dancer.

Pinterest // @ebaumsworld

William T. Riker – Jonathan Frakes

He will be best remembered for his role as William T. Riker, but it wasn’t a role that he found easy to come by. He went to auditions over six weeks to bag himself the part, and in total it took seven auditions for the producers to be won over by him. According to reports, he pipped Jeffrey Combs, Erich Anderson, and William O. Armstrong to the post. Since then, Jonathan has gone on to host 45 episodes of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction?, and has also popped up on RoswellFuturama, and CriminalMinds.

(Left) Facebook // Star Trek Original Series Set Tour | (Right) Wikimedia Commons // Benjamin Krahl // Public Domain

Jonathan Archer – Scott Bakula

He’s well known for his sci-fi roles, particularly Captain Jonathan Archer on Star Trek: Enterprise, and also for Quantum Leap, in which he plays Sam Beckett. He actually won a Golden Globe for his performance in the latter. Since his sci-fi days, Scott seems to have found great success in the world of TV, currently starring in NCIS: New Orleans as Dwayne Pride, a role he’s been in since 2014. You may also remember that he popped up in Desperate Housewives for a spell too? He played Trip Weston.

Pinterest // @jimkennedy7528

Hikaru Sulu – George Takei

In the original series of Star Trek, Hikaru Sulu was the helmsmen of the USS Enterprise, and he was played by the American actor, author, activist and director, George Takei. He’s clearly a big fan of the sci-fi stuff, popping up in Star Trek: Voyager too, and appearing in all six of the feature films as Hikaru. TV has been good to him over the years, and as well as appearing in Futurama (as himself), he was also in Hawaii Five-0The Big Bang TheoryWill & Grace, and many more.

Pinterest // @ebaumsworld

Ensign Ro Laren – Michelle Forbes

She’s well known in the US and the UK for her parts in hit TV shows, but Michelle Forbes, real name Michelle Renee Forbes Guajardo, is most remembered her playing the part of Ensign Ro Laren in Star Trek: The Next Generation. She has had various TV roles over the years, including in Prison Break24Durham County, and more recently, True Blood, and you’ll also spot her in another sci-fi hit – Battlestar Galatica. Not bad for the little girl who actually wanted to become a ballet dancer.

Pinterest // @ebaumsworld

William T. Riker – Jonathan Frakes

He will be best remembered for his role as William T. Riker, but it wasn’t a role that he found easy to come by. He went to auditions over six weeks to bag himself the part, and in total it took seven auditions for the producers to be won over by him. According to reports, he pipped Jeffrey Combs, Erich Anderson, and William O. Armstrong to the post. Since then, Jonathan has gone on to host 45 episodes of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction?, and has also popped up on RoswellFuturama, and CriminalMinds.

(Left) Facebook // Star Trek Original Series Set Tour | (Right) Wikimedia Commons // Benjamin Krahl // Public Domain

Jonathan Archer – Scott Bakula

He’s well known for his sci-fi roles, particularly Captain Jonathan Archer on Star Trek: Enterprise, and also for Quantum Leap, in which he plays Sam Beckett. He actually won a Golden Globe for his performance in the latter. Since his sci-fi days, Scott seems to have found great success in the world of TV, currently starring in NCIS: New Orleans as Dwayne Pride, a role he’s been in since 2014. You may also remember that he popped up in Desperate Housewives for a spell too? He played Trip Weston.

Pinterest // @jimkennedy7528

Hikaru Sulu – George Takei

In the original series of Star Trek, Hikaru Sulu was the helmsmen of the USS Enterprise, and he was played by the American actor, author, activist and director, George Takei. He’s clearly a big fan of the sci-fi stuff, popping up in Star Trek: Voyager too, and appearing in all six of the feature films as Hikaru. TV has been good to him over the years, and as well as appearing in Futurama (as himself), he was also in Hawaii Five-0The Big Bang TheoryWill & Grace, and many more.

Pinterest // @ebaumsworld

Captain James T. Kirk – William Shatner

William Shatner has done a lot in his life. The 85-year-old actor (correct at the time of writing), has managed to fit in over seventy years of film and TV work, and one of his most famous roles was as Captain James T. Kirk, first appearing in the pilot episode of the original Star Trek TV series in 1966. TV has definitely been a good career choice for this actor and author, and he’s since gone on to star and appear in a number of shows, including winning Emmy Awards for his part in Boston Legal and The Practice.

Pinterest // @ebaumsworld

Dr. Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy – DeForest Kelley

You’ll probably remember DeForest Kelley from the Star Trek original TV series, and then the movies that followed on from that. He was Dr. Leonard McCoy, or just “Bones”, on the USS Enterprise, a typecast he found very difficult to shake once his stint on the show ended. He ended up receiving so much money from appearing at Trekkie conventions that he eventually gave up the acting life, and stomach cancer caused his death in 1999. His final appearance was in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country in 1991.

Pinterest // @ebaumsworld
