If you have pets at home, there is no point in us telling you how adorable they are. Sure thing, pets keep us company, but the truth is that they do so much more than just that. Pets are little angels, and they can even help people with anxiety! The only thing that pet owners don’t talk about often is that, even though pets may be the most adorable creatures on the planet — they sure know how to test our patience! But even still, they somehow manage to do wrong things in the cutest way possible. In case your pet has gotten in trouble recently, you’re going to love this article. We’ve compiled photos of 45 adorably mischievous animals that were caught in the act. Check it out!
You better take me with you next time!
When we say that our pets are a part of the family just like humans are, this means that we’re technically willing to include them in our plans. We used the word ‘technically’ because sometimes it’s just not possible to do that, like when we’re going to travel.

Bringing a pet along for the holidays can be quite expensive, and some people prefer to check them in pet hotels — where they will be treated like royalty, may we add. But some dogs don’t understand that, and they may retaliate. Like this dog that ate his human mother’s passport just because she wouldn’t bring him along!
I was just trying to play a game with you!
Talking about pets immediately makes us think of animals such as dogs and cats. However, there are lots of people who have different animals as pets. For instance, some people have pet snakes, while others have pet rodents. And the truth is that they’re just as cute as canines and felines!

Well, they’re just as cute and just as naughty! Ruby, this adorable ferret you see in the picture, was probably feeling bored when she decided to loot her humans’ laundry and steal every dirty sock. And if that wasn’t enough, she scattered them all over the apartment so the humans wouldn’t find them!
Sorry I couldn’t help myself!
If you stop to think about it, dogs and children share quite a few similarities in their personalities. For instance, both love playing games, both are innocent and adorable — and both children and pets tend to get in trouble!

And just like with kids, the one not getting in trouble can’t help but watch and laugh, like this cat who just watched the dog eat raw bread rolls. While he wasn’t caught in the act, the poor dog threw up, and the owners found out what he’d done on a trip to the vet’s office!
Isn’t that what it was for?
Having a large dog at home takes quite a lot of courage, especially if they’re energetic. Bigger breeds require more space and they’re bound to do things that you won’t be too happy with — such as destroying things around the house with their clumsiness.

This dog could be described in two adjectives: unwieldy and tireless. And when you add these two things in one big guy like this one, it’s pretty obvious that crazy things are going to happen. We have to admit that we love the human’s description, “like the Kool-Aid Man.”
She didn’t want to play with me.
Dogs, much like children, don’t always understand that they can’t do some things. And no matter how hard you try to get it through their heads that they can’t be pulling some stunts, chances are that they’re still going to do it.

Despite having been told several times that he shouldn’t play anywhere near Alexa, this adorable Shiba Inu ignored all warnings. The result? He destroyed the power connection cable and ultimately destroyed his humans’ Alexa. At least he looks like he regrets what he did, right?
Didn’t mean to scare you, dad!
This next dog didn’t do something messy like the other animals in this article. He did something that scared his dad, and for that, he’s making it to this list. Dogs are just like humans, in the sense that both species fart.

And this dog chose the worst time to let out a loud one. While his owner watched a horror movie, the dog farted and made such a terrible sound that the dog’s dad had a jump scare! But look at his face: does he really deserve to be on this list when he’s this adorable?!
I’m a puzzling dog.
For lots of people, solving puzzles is the perfect hobby. It takes quite a lot of time and dedication to complete puzzles, especially if they have hundreds (or even thousands) of pieces. Now, imagine being a piece away from solving a puzzle only to find that the last piece is missing!

Let us tell you upfront: that feeling is awful. And this person went through this horrible experience more often than one would like to. Why is that? Because while her hobby is solving puzzles, her dog’s hobby is eating puzzle pieces!
Guess who’s the naughty one here?
If you have two or more kids, you know how each of them has a unique personality. Some kids are quiet and gentle, while other kids are too energetic for their own good sometimes. And who said that dogs are any different?

This human adopted two dogs from the same litter of puppies, Hugo and Huxley. While the former is an absolute angel, Huxley is quite the troublemaker. He’s always doing things he shouldn’t, and his human spends a lot of her time calling his name to get him to stop being naughty!
I didn’t know I was supposed to share it.
Most people love celebrating their birthday. This is the perfect occasion to get together with our beloved friends and family members. It is also the day that we get pampered the most by those around us. Except for our pets — sometimes they don’t really care it’s our special day!

Like this adorable dog, for instance. Instead of being the good girl she always was, Tula decided to jump on the kitchen counter and eat the birthday cake that was meant for her human! We hope it wasn’t chocolate, or Linda would have ended her party with a trip to the vet.
I have lots of tricks up my sleeve!
Dogs do plenty of silly things, like going through the trash or eating things they’re not supposed to. Cats, on the other hand, are not that ridiculous. Sure, cats do things they shouldn’t be doing, but they have more complex skills.

For instance, does your dog know how to lock the door? Probably not. But your cat? We wouldn’t put it past him/her. If they’re anything like the cat in the picture, they can probably learn how to lock you outside your own house and not look guilty about it!
Well, I had to know what would happen.
Do you know how we just said that dogs do plenty of silly stuff, like eating things that aren’t edible? Well, this next picture will do nothing but prove our point. When left alone, this dog ate glittery ornaments, and the result was hilarious.

Fabulous disco poo? That sounds hilarious. We’re pretty thankful that this dog’s owner didn’t post a picture of this shimmery poo — and we hope that the dog was okay after eating that stuff. Judging by the regretful look on his face, it seems like he won’t be doing that again.
Is this a reenactment of Home Alone?
Most of us watched the Home Alone movies when we were kids. You probably remember how Kevin McCallister was ingenious enough to create insane traps all over his house in order to catch thieves. And maybe this cat was inspired by him:

Well, he didn’t necessarily catch a thief, but his “trap” did catch his mom. His mom had no idea he went to the bathroom outside his litterbox, and ended up slipping and getting covered in cat pee. Safe to say she wasn’t too happy about it!
Did you really think you’d get rid of me, human?
As we said before, cats do complex things. These animals are incredibly intelligent and they’ll do things that surprise both humans and other animals. After hearing the news that his mother would be going away to a rodeo, this cat decided that he wouldn’t be left behind.

While all humans were busy getting their bags ready for the road trip, this beautiful cat snuck into the horse trailer and hid from everyone for the next three hours. Imagine his mother’s surprise when she got to her destination and found Darrell looking at her like this!
Bet you never thought we’d do this, right?
Animals do unbelievable stuff sometimes. If you have a pet, you know exactly what we are talking about. But we are pretty sure that you have never seen animals do what these two little guys did to their human parents.

After leaving his phone unlocked, this human noticed that some things were off about it. He immediately checked what had happened with his phone and found out that one of his pets accidentally bought a new phone on Amazon! And his accomplice made things harder for their human by turning off the internet!
I was hungry, Judy!
When we said that having a big dog at home requires a lot of things, we truly meant it. These big guys (and gals) are not easy to handle — but they also bring a lot of joy to our lives. Even if sometimes they do things like this:

Yes, you read that right. This adorably guilty dog jumped into someone else’s car and stole a hamburger! It sounds like something straight out of a movie, but we suppose that this is one of the things that are bound to happen when you have a big and energetic dog like this!
He asked for it!
Dogs are adorable and will certainly help make our days brighter. But that doesn’t mean that we won’t get stressed out because of them sometimes. There are times that dogs do things that make us fear for their safety like this adorable dog did:

When you look at this beautiful face, it’s kind of hard to imagine that this dog would do anything to make his mother worried. But the truth is that he got stuck into a groundhog hole (twice) and almost made his mom have a heart attack!
I just love children!
Dogs may love their human parents, but do you know who they love even more? Children! If you have a dog and kids under the same roof, you know that this is true. Kids and dogs get along really well because they’re equally adorable and innocent.

With that in mind, can you really blame this dog for jumping into a stranger’s van just because he wanted to say to their kids? We certainly can’t! We mean, look at that face; it’s like the dog doesn’t even know what was wrong with what he did!
This is what you get, mommy!
Cats are extremely intelligent and classy creatures, but they can also be very petty. If you do something that displeases your cat, they will let you know just how they feel. And believe us when we say that you probably won’t like their ideas for revenge!

We don’t know exactly what went down between this cat and his human mother, but she must have done something really annoying. And he didn’t just pee, as the sign says; he made sure to also stare right into her eyes as he did it!
I can’t help it if I like to keep things simple.
Okay, we may have exaggerated when we said that all cats are intelligent and classy. Maybe not all of them are the same, and this next is going to prove it. As smart as they are, cats can get easily distracted by some things.

If your cat also gets distracted by window blinds, you know how the person who took this picture feels. It’s almost as if felines love ruining anything that dangles! After spending money to buy the things they destroy, owners simply give up and accept that they can’t have nice things!
Can you believe I did that?
Sometimes, it’s hard for parents to believe that their children were able to do something. And when you have a pet at home, sometimes you feel the same way. Pets do crazy things without even realizing how insane they are!

While this owner wasn’t scared of her gassy cat, like the horror movie fan, it didn’t make it any more pleasant. And it’s kind of hard to believe that he had no idea that what he did was wrong, especially because he ran away like he knew he’d get in trouble!
So this is not what I was supposed to do, huh.
Just like cats and dogs have an everlasting rivalry, so do cats and mice. These two species don’t get along at all, and cats are well known for hunting mice. But what happens when a cat actually has nothing against rodents?

This human found out the answer in an adorable way. While she was away, some mice broke into her house. Instead of being chased away by the house’s fearless cat, the human was surprised to find out that her shared his food with them rather than making them his meal!
Sorry to scare you all!
Some dogs are really quiet and polite, but even the nice ones are mischievous puppies. Puppies are still trying to figure out what’s going on in the world around them and what they can and cannot do. And it seems like this puppy still has quite a few things to learn:

For instance, it still has to learn that having some poo stuck to his but is not the end of the world. Imagine how scared his family must have been when the dog suddenly started screaming and running around desperate for help!
I panicked, mom!
This next picture is yet another piece of evidence that not all cats are classy and nonchalant. They sometimes panic and do disgusting things, just like every other animal. Puddy, the adorable cat in the picture below, panicked when he saw what he had done.

Instead of leaving his poo alone and going about his day, Puddy made things so much worse for himself and for his humans. The more you read this plaque, the worse his story gets. And the best part is that he looks so adorable; we doubt his humans were upset at him for long!
If you didn’t give me one, I made one myself.
In case you just got your first pet, we have a very useful piece of advice for you: make sure to give them the things they want. We don’t mean that you have to give them everything they ask for but do give them the things they need. Like a doggie door.

This lovely baby’s parents didn’t give her a doggie door, so she took matters into her own hands and made her own. As you can see, her parents would’ve saved more money if only they had given her the door she wanted in the first place!
Are you shaming me publicly, mother?
This post is a compilation of pet parents that decided to “shame” their pets online. We assure you that they didn’t do it to actually make their pets feel bad about it. Or did they? It’s kind of hard to tell with this next one:

The truth is that publicly shaming their gluttonous cat is a hilarious way of showing that this family cares about their pet. This sign they taped to a lamp post is basically a call for help. Hopefully, Pan won’t be fooling any more strangers from now on!
Oh, so I was meant to do the opposite?
As we said before, cats and mice are considered to be rivals in the animal kingdom. It is only natural for cats to hunt mice, and lots of people count on their cats to get rid of these unwelcome visitors.

But what if the cat gets the message wrong? Instead of chasing away the mice, this cat actually brought a mouse into his house! He released it in his mother’s bedroom of all places, and it’s safe to say she didn’t like the unwanted present.